Since I'm really behind on blogging I'm going to do one post to sum up my pregnancy with Hannah.
First off it was so different from Mollies pregnancy. I hate to say it but I did not enjoy pregnancy this go all! I found out I was pregnant right before Thanksgiving after I had been nauseous for 3 days. I thought it was just the flu cause I had taken a pregnancy test earlier but it was negative. I know realize I took the test way too early so of course it was negative. I was almost 7 weeks when we found out so it was nice to find out a little later then usual. We busted out the due date calculator and found out we were due on 7-14-14, a day after Mollie's birthday. So that was pretty exciting!
So here is the deal. I love having my babies in the summer (less sickness) BUT I hate going through my first trimester during the Holiday's. I LOVE the Holidays but being sick through them is no fun. The sights, smells, and sounds make me nauseous. So once again my first Trimester lasted through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years and then some. We found out the baby was a girl when I was 19 weeks, I thought it was going to be a boy but nope, another girl. I don't think I finally felt normal until about 22 weeks. From there I had about 6 weeks of feeling awesome. The rest of the pregnancy I was super tired, achy and big (I felt big at least). And man was it tough keeping up with a very active toddler being all big and pregnant.
When I was about 35 weeks Hannah was already head down. At my 36 week check up I was dilated to 1 1/2 and 75% effaced. I knew when the Doctor told me that I would be having her early, and "they" say your second baby comes earlier. I was already there with Mollie when I went into labor. So I came home and packed my hospital bag. But Hannah had other plans for me and I pretty much stayed right there for the next 4 weeks. The anticipation was miserable and the Braxton Hicks contractions were getting annoying. It seemed like every time I started to time them they would go away.
So at my 39 week appointment I set up an induction. I wanted to go into labor on my own again but I also wanted to make sure Mollie would be taken care of so we scheduled the induction for July 10th at 9:00pm. My sister came from out of town to watch Mollie and we had everything set to go. Well the hospital called me about 5:30pm on the 10th (Wed) to tell me they were completely full and my induction was going to be moved to Thursday afternoon. The nurse said they would call me in the afternoon to let me know when I could come in. I had a good cry, because I was so ready to have Hannah, then sucked it up and waited. I decided to call the Hospital Thursday morning to see if they knew anything and they said no and that I would have to wait for someone to call me later. So about 4:00pm I received my call and the nurse told me they were STILL busy and since my Dr was going out of town for the weekend my induction was being moved to Sunday (the 13th). I'll spare the details but I was pretty pissed off..... It was awful to keep getting my hopes up only to have them keep jacking me around, and the pregnancy hormones didn't make it much better.
So I called the Hospital Sunday afternoon and they said I was all clear to come in. Thanks heavens, I couldn't handle being rescheduled again. So we got to the Hospital at 8:00pm and started the induction at 9......
Positive |
11 weeks |
12 weeks - announcement |
19 weeks - its a GIRL!! |
26 weeks |
29 weeks |
32 weeks |
34 weeks |
36 weeks |
38 weeks |